Coast Way [Chapter 3]Coast Way [Ch.3]

Location code: AR2800
Next stop: Gullykin (East from Ulcaster)
Non-respawning: Bandits, (unique enemy)
Respawning: Bandits, Dire Wolves, Diseased Gibberlings, Dread Wolves, Gibberlings, Wolves, Xvarts
Sleep disturbed by: Gibberlings, Wolves
Waylaid by enemies: Mini-Guide

N: Friendly Arm Inn (AR6100 - 5%)
   Cloakwood Lodge (AR5801 - 5%)*
E: Larswood (AR5900 - 20%)
S: Beregost
W: Lion's Way (AR6100 - 5%)
   Cloakwood Lodge (AR6000 - 20%)*

* from Chapter 4 onwards



Deke and his five bandits will attack. If Deke loses four of his men he will give up the location of the Bandit Camp in exchange for his life. If you are quick you can kill him before he leaves. You can sell their scalps to Officer Vai at the Jovial Juggler in Beregost for 50gp each.
NPC REACTION 8-20: 300 exp
KILL DEKE: 65 exp (6 exp if he surrenders first), Bandit Scalp, Long Sword, Short Bow, Arrows, Leather Armor, Random Treasure


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Candlekeep + Catacombs Lion's Way Beregost Coast Way Friendly Arm Inn South Beregost Road High Hedge North Nashkel Road Nashkel Nashkel Carnival Xvart Village Bear River Gnoll Stronghold Nashkel Mines Gibberling Mountains Dryad Falls Fisherman's Lake Temple Ulcaster Valley of the Tombs Red Canyons Fire Leaf Forest Lonely Peaks Gullykin Firewine Bridge + Ruins Shipwreck's Coast Lighthouse Archaeological Site Fishing Village Wyrm's Crossing Mutamin's Garden Spider Wood Larswood Peldvale Bandit Camp Cloakwood Lodge Cloakwood Nest Cloakwood Druids Cloakwood Wyverns Cloakwood Mines E Baldur's Gate SE Baldur's Gate NE Baldur's Gate Farmlands N Baldur's Gate NW Baldur's Gate W Baldur's Gate SW Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate Docks Central Baldur's Gate Ulgoth's Beard Durlag's Tower